Angel, from Pune India, asked: Is getting a tattoo on the body against Scripture? Good question. There are health concerns and there are social concerns… but are there major religious concerns? Let us forget for a moment that health concerns and social concerns ARE ALWAYS religious concerns as...
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March 1, 2016 Andrew Sargent
Communication, HAGALAH, Old Testament Studies, Society
Let’s make one basic point. Equality is both an essential truth and a complete fallacy. “Now, wait a minute, Bub. Equality is the bedrock of our nation… the most noble pursuit in the history of man. Equality is the morality of our new age. It’s right up there...
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February 26, 2016 Andrew Sargent
Should Christians be patriotic? Great question, I’m glad you asked. The best answer I can give up front is, “What do you mean by patriotic?” Definition is always the best place to begin. Without definition of key terms each person in a discussion fills in those terms with...
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February 24, 2016 Andrew Sargent
Society, Theology, Uncategorized
Okay, call me old school, tell me that I just don’t get what today’s busy Christian wants from his leaders, but I am a tad concerned about a growing trend in leadership studies—too much fixation on methodology and attitudes for leading and not enough on the importance of...
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February 19, 2016 Andrew Sargent
Communication, Society
In a recent post, “Worst Nelson Mandela Quote Ever,” I proposed that one of Mandela’s most famous quotes about poverty exemplifies a disastrous understanding of reality,[1] particularly for a political figure with the power to establish policy. It sounds good on the surface, especially in regard to the...
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February 15, 2016 Andrew Sargent
No Comment
The great audacity of the modern prevailing worldview is the idea that progress and independence from personal restraint are virtues to be cultivated at almost any cost. Each generation tends to regard “the world that is” as a trap from which to escape… into more progress, more independence.[1] ...
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January 22, 2016 Andrew Sargent
Society, Theology
I am not sure how many of you already know this, but I love Xmas… not just Christmas, but Xmas. I think we should all love Xmas. You see, ink and parchment were expensive back in the days of the early church and for centuries afterward. The...
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December 23, 2015 Andrew Sargent
Biblical Language Issues
I received an email this week from one of my students in India. She wanted to know if I could give her a biblical defense for celebrating Christmas. I said that I could and couldn’t. On the one hand, “Christmas” was not a known part of some church...
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December 23, 2015 Andrew Sargent
Contexualization, Question Posts
Question: Job 1:4 – Is there a majority scholarly agreement with regards to what “every one his day” means? What is “his day”? I was always under the impression that it was each one’s birthday… What do you say? Is there scholarly agreement in general? If so,...
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August 28, 2015 Andrew Sargent
Old Testament Studies, Question Posts
Thomas Sowell writes often on the powerful use to which certain people put vocabulary in manipulating the opinions of the public about complex dynamics in society. One of these manipulative uses of vocabulary concerns the use of the terms “advantages” “disadvantages” & “Privilege.” These are bumper sticker phrases...
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July 17, 2015 Andrew Sargent
I wrote this on the eve after the 2015 supreme court illegal decision making Same Sex Marriage the Law of the Land for those who don’t understand why most Christians care so deeply about the same sex “marriage” issue, let me explain. My discussion is long, multiple times...
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July 3, 2015 Andrew Sargent
My article “Mother’s Day Massacre: A Response to “An Open Letter to Pastors (A Non-Mom Speaks about Mother’s Day)” [1] generated as one might expect a lot of responses. Many called me names, thankfully borrowing most of them from the one’s I provided as an option in my...
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May 15, 2015 Andrew Sargent
We have a guest blogger today. Othello Mugugu who originally hails from Zimbabwe, has a Bachelors from Northpoint Bible College, Serves in the American Army, is just completing his Masters in Religious Studies from Providence College in Providence Rhode Island. He has been studying various social and ethical...
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March 27, 2015 Andrew Sargent
Ethics, Society
I just joined Franklin Graham’s Facebook page. I’ve always admired his father for his years of tireless effort on behalf of the kingdom of God, his ability to maintain integrity and grounding in the administration of a world-wide multi-million dollar ministry, and, if not in full agreement with...
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March 23, 2015 Andrew Sargent
Communication, Society
People are afraid of spreading diseases… naturally. The whole history of man is peppered with stories of periodic bouts with diseases that wiped out portions of the population. Bubonic Plague, Small Pox, Cholera, Yellow Fever, Tuberculosis, The 1918 outbreak of Spanish Flu, which claimed the lives of some...
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February 11, 2015 Andrew Sargent
Communication, Society
I want to thank those faithful folk who have been reading my blog Biblical Literacy where I seek to help you become a better Bible interpreter. I need your help to developing the blog & to extend its reach. Sign up to receive notifications by email at Open...
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December 4, 2014 Andrew Sargent
No Comment
I am excited to introduce a singer with whom I’ve been traveling around of late. Britney Cashman and her husband Jonathan have been touring the New England area promoting our new book, 40 Days with the Savior, showcasing their own music, especially the musical SAVIOR which inspired the...
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November 21, 2014 Andrew Sargent
Savior Devotional
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Perhaps it’s not wise to write a blog post when one is a bit irritated and less than amused, but… what the hay! In a recent Facebook exchange over a presently undisclosed topic of controversy, a non-Christian friend of mine, an intelligent person with a keen wit (both...
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August 4, 2014 Andrew Sargent
Communication, Society
Joseph Bonham, M.A. is today’s guest blogger. Joseph has his own blog called the Biblical Bean, linked below. In addition to a Bachelors in Biblical Studies, he holds a master of arts from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Biblical Languages / Hebrew Bible I don’t actually remember the wording of our vows,...
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August 1, 2014 Andrew Sargent
Biblical Studies, New Testament Studies
FACT: We, as a nation, CANNOT simultaneously maintain anti-discrimination laws, religious freedom & gay marriage. We must choose… but which should we choose, and how should we choose? This, of course, forces a real & practical distinction between two different kinds of anti-discrimination laws. 1. Laws that forbid...
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June 2, 2014 Andrew Sargent