Home » 2016 » July

Drama and Ditty in Isaiah 28:1-13

Isaiah 28:10 is one of those verses that people love to use as a tagline to add a feeling of dedicated, diligent, and trustworthy study of Scripture in their endeavors, especially if that endeavor is supposed to be some form of inductive study. It is usually shortened, and...
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Confessions of an “Angry” Man

I like to think of myself as a nice guy. I think most people who know me would say that I am gregarious, helpful, flexible, self-sacrificing… I go out of my way to help those around me no matter how inconvenient or demanding their needs, and strive to...
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Psst…. Yahweh Doesn’t Mean “I AM”

In a place like the world of the Bible where people were given names like “Festive” (2 Samuel 3:4~ Haggith),  “Hot” (Genesis 10:1 Ham), and “Wild Goat” (Nehemiah 7:58~Jaala), you might imagine that the names of their gods might also have some descriptive quality. Of particular interest is...
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A Little Hate Goes a Long Way

It seems to me that hate sells. That often unidentified mass of souls known as the media love hate. They should write a book, Haters Who Love to Hate Hate. Every time anyone does anything, people from the media are on the air live within seconds to report...
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Impossible Conversations about Race & Victimhood

The problem with most race conversations is that, at the core, the message is wrong. It’s the same wrong message that we preach as a society to everyone who feels they’ve gotten a raw deal in life.    We are encouraged to believe (meaning demanded to believe) that the...
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