A Lot Worse Than Lot, Part 2 (Video)

In this lesson, we conclude our analysis of the horrific concubine story in Judges 19. We ask ourselves the question, “Who pushed the Girl out?” & “Why was she chopped up and sent by post to so many people in bits?” The Answers may surprise you.
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A Lot Worse Than Lot, Part 1 (Video)

The story of the murdered concubine in Judges 19 is a horror. Nothing that I say about it will change that. What I can offer, however, is a corrective to the feminist reading of it, and some insights into the details that makes its place in Scripture more...
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Reading Genesis Like a Pagan, Part 5 (Video)

In this lesson we discuss the details of what a scientific vs. Ancient Near Eastern Reading of Genesis 1-11 means with a particular focus on Genesis 1:1-3. We consider three different ways of reading the first three verses of Scripture.
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Reading Genesis Like a Pagan Part 4 (Video)

In this session we unpack the importance of Kingdom Establishment paradigms from the Ancient Near East, as well as a subset of that pattern that I have labeled Helderkampf (Hero Battle). Kingdom is one of the controlling metaphors of Genesis Creation stories.
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Reading Genesis Like a Pagan, Part 3 (Video)

We continue our discussion on the importance of Reading Genesis for what it is… a worldview document of the creation of the order of the world. It is curtailed to the issues on the table at the time of its writing and, thus, helps those struggling in a...
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Reading Genesis Like a Pagan, Part 1 (Video)

In this video we begin to unpack what I regard as a better way to read Genesis than we typically find in Christian circles. Genesis was written to accomplish many things: It is ancestor epic, wisdom literature, worldview shaping, origin story, etc. But it was written to those...
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Did Jesus Sit in the Seat of Sinners?[1]

I knew a man who returned to Christ after decades of drugs and dealing, trafficking girls, violence, theft, and homelessness. Raised in church, he came back on fire for Jesus, witnessing openly and boldly everywhere he went. His life choices had a body count. He was diminished in...
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Chatty God

Galileo said, “Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe.” In Genesis 1:3ff, God said, “Let there be… and there was…” Psalm 19:1-4 praises, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to...
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The Divine Gift of Enduring Shame

When I was growing up, if you said “trigger” everyone thought about guns or Roy Roger’s horse… maybe shooting guns while riding Roy Roger’s horse. Today if you say “trigger” someone is worried that something they’ve said or done has set off a negative chain reaction in someone...
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Shamefully Shaming Shame

Shame[1] is bad… right?! Our whole society today cries how terrible it is. Only people who shame others should be made to feel shame. So shame must be bad, right?!! From a pure feelings orientation, shaming certainly looks victimizing, impresses as irredemptive… unloving, even. So, how can shame...
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Weird Things Like Revelation & The Second Coming

It shouldn’t be too long into joining a church that you hear something that strikes you as rather peculiar—The Second Coming of Jesus Christ… not to mention whispers of an equally peculiar book for which this events takes center stage—Revelation. For pagans, who dominated the globe from earliest...
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My Review of Interpreting The Wisdom Books by Edward M. Curtis

Shared with Permission from Criswell Theological Review Interpreting The Wisdom Books: An Exegetical Handbook by Edward M. Curtis as part of the Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series edited by David M. Howard, Jr. Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, 2017, 204 pp., $21.99 Paperback. In Interpreting The Wisdom Books:...
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