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Where Two or More are Gathered, Part 2 (Video)

Matthew 18:20 is often misinterpreted to be talking about prayer… encouraging group prayer as more powerful, more special than private prayer. Matthew 18:20, however is about church discipline and how to conduct that discipline in as redemptive a way as possible. In Part Two, I zero in on...
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Where Two or More are Gathered, Part 1 (Video)

In this Video I begin my discussion of Matthew 18:20 and why it is so badly misunderstood in the Church. Jesus is not talking about prayer, but about church discipline and the processes for using discipline redemptively in order to save people from themselves and others from their...
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I Pity Stunningly Beautiful People

There is an Episode of 30 Rock, called “The Bubble”[1] in which Liz (Tina Fey) begins to date a character played by John Ham, whose good looks have allowed him to skate through life with nary a care. Doors open for him. Girls swoon over him. Bad things...
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