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Weird Things Like Revelation & The Second Coming

It shouldn’t be too long into joining a church that you hear something that strikes you as rather peculiar—The Second Coming of Jesus Christ… not to mention whispers of an equally peculiar book for which this events takes center stage—Revelation. For pagans, who dominated the globe from earliest...
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Christians Hope in the Face of Death

Today we have a guest blogger. Amy Roberts Kinder has Master of Arts in Biblical Studies with a concentration in the Old Testament from Ashland Theological Seminary, and is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College presently located in Haverhill, MA. She is presently She has blessed us with...
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Weird Thoughts about the Holy Spirit

This article is for inclusion in a one month devotional for new believers called, “So You’ve Accepted Jesus.” It is almost finished. A Tip for Reading:  You may want to read through at first just taking it all in, without looking everything up. Then it would be beneficial...
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Christians Pray

Growing up we had a local store called Ann & Hope; it was like a flea market in a barely-converted penitentiary, but with less ambiance. Great deals though. Local Christians would joke, “Why go to Ann & Hope when you can go to God and pray?” My inner...
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Christians Seek a Church Family

Christians go to church. We practice our faith in community, as the Bible says.[1] We are a global family of faith with local gatherings almost everywhere—“Churches.”   “Church” is used to translate the Greek, Ekklēsia, which is a combination of “call” and “out.” So many quip, we’re called...
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Don’t Shop or Hop… Find a Church Family

There is an old joke that goes, “If I found the perfect Church, it wouldn’t be once I joined.” And that is as good of an anchor to toss out as any other when discussing the right and wrong way to choose a church family. In the early...
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