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The Whole of the Holy, Part 3 (Video)

Christians often misunderstand what it means to call God holy and have a narrow understanding of our own holiness. God is holy in his very essence. Holy is the most precise word used by Scripture for deity. From this core understanding three other uses of “holy” emerge. That...
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The Whole of the Holy, Part 2 (Video)

God is holy in his essence… True Deity. His holiness is the terrifying manifestation of his divine power to create marking him as wholly other than all that He makes. In part 2, I continue discussing the meaning of calling God holy and distinguish this word from a...
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The Whole of the Holy, Part 1 (Video)

Words and symbols connected to the idea of the holy have over 4000 verses associated with them. It behooves us then to fully understand what the holy and holiness are. This first installment of four discussions lays down the nature of what it means for God to be...
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Where Two or More are Gathered, Part 2 (Video)

Matthew 18:20 is often misinterpreted to be talking about prayer… encouraging group prayer as more powerful, more special than private prayer. Matthew 18:20, however is about church discipline and how to conduct that discipline in as redemptive a way as possible. In Part Two, I zero in on...
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Where Two or More are Gathered, Part 1 (Video)

In this Video I begin my discussion of Matthew 18:20 and why it is so badly misunderstood in the Church. Jesus is not talking about prayer, but about church discipline and the processes for using discipline redemptively in order to save people from themselves and others from their...
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When God Commanded Israel to Break His Law

There is an interesting twist, if you’ll pardon the pun, in the tassel command from Numbers 15:38-41 when it is woven (sorry I just can’t stop myself) into the new context of Deuteronomy 22:9-12. Here we have a series of commands against mixtures followed by the Tassel Command....
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Good Tassels Gone Bad

The giving of the tassel to the Israelites in Numbers 15:38-41 is a powerful symbol of God’s love and acceptance, a divine gift to aid them in their struggles against sin, and an ever visible reminder of their privilege and responsibility as a kingdom of priests.[1] The shocking...
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A Colored Past to Dye For

I’ll never forget a visit I made many years ago to a full scale temple model with my wife. The woman running the guided tour was just chuck full of… interesting tidbits… you thought I was going to write nuts didn’t you… well shame on you. Actually she...
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Why Hassle with a Tassel?

The tassel attached to the Hebrew male’s outer garment is a wonderful example of artifact communication in the Bible. That is, the tassel is an item used in Israel to communicate a particular meaning within that culture… one which is foreign and, thus, unintelligible to most of the...
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The Character of Barnabas by Mithun Borde

Question: How do you think the newly formed church thrived in the face of persecution and prospered spiritually in spite of the martyrdom of Stephen and James?  First Answer: The Twelve Apostles were leading the church through the power of the Holy Spirit in effective witness to the...
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Why This Parable?

When trying to understand one of Jesus’ parables, there are four vital questions to answer about it. Let’s go over them.   Question #1: What is the nature of the details in a parable? Is it a pure Allegory? Allegory is an extended metaphor. Metaphor equates two things...
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Jesus, The Prophet of Prophets

In our last two posts on the incident at Nain, we discussed the importance of geographical study as something deeper than map investigations, and the importance of typology for an author’s theological goals, bringing meaning to his subject by portraying it in the contours and colors of meaningful...
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