Child 44 and a Life of Lies

The movie, Child 44, and the novel of the same name, explore the life of a red-pilled Russian war hero, now, military policeman, Leo Demidov, in the days of Stalinist Russia as he investigates a serial killer of children, who the powers that be refuse to acknowledge. They either chalk the deaths up to accidents or animals, or produce some ready at hand mental defective patsy for any given incident. Both the book and movie give us a peek inside the life of lies that Marxist ideology demands of its adherents at every level of existence, from Leo’s hero status and marriage on through the bald declarations of the burgeoning communist Utopia in which they all live and move and have their strained being. The great tag line, a statement repeated often is, “There can be no murder in paradise.” This is a double edged sword cutting both ways.

Leo is first drawn into the matter when his commanding officer assigns him the task of bringing his good friend, Alexei, into line over the friend’s insistence that his son has been murdered. Standing over the body of the boy, who has clearly been tortured and drowned (water pours from the boys mouth) he is told to go to the grieving family and read the official report. We witness:

Kuzmin: The poor man must be beside himself; he’s claiming his son was murdered. Stalin tells us that murder is strictly a capitalist disease, but Alexei is flirting with treason. So you know what has to be done. (He hands Leo the official report.)

We return as Leo is reading the official report to the family.

Leo: (Standing in a room full of the dead boy’s family. He is clearly distressed and anxious): I am so sorry. I have been personally asked to share the official report with you. Yesterday morning on the 25th of October at 10:35 the body of one Juri Andreyev eight years old was found close by the train tracks at one kilometer east of (Russian place name I can’t spell). He was found fully clothed. Further examination of the victim’s body and the witness….

Mother: My boy was found naked.

Leo: No. He was found fully clothed. Further examination…

Mother: A train doesn’t undress a boy.

Leo (refusing to look up): Further examination of the victim’s body and witness testimony showed multiple contusions with bruisings and lacerations to the torso. In keeping with this testimony we believe the cause of death was indeed a tragic accident.

Mother: Why would a report even bother to mention that he was clothed?

Leo: This was signed by Major Kuzmin here the department of interior crimes against the state, fifth main directory at MGB…

Mother: Someone has slaughtered my son, your godson now and you do nothing!

Leo: I am sorry. Read the report.

Alexei: To find out what?

Mother: (addressing Alexei) Someone has slaughtered your son. Do something…

Alexei: Enough!

Mother: Someone has slaughtered your son…. (dissolves into incoherence repeating this line as Leo quietly takes his hat and leaves.)

Alexei: (Follows Leo out.)

Leo: (In the hall, he turns to Alexei) This is crazy. You cannot do this. They have men down stairs. They can hear everything. There is a reason why they send me… you understand? You have to be quiet.

Alexei: They wouldn’t let me see him, Leo. They wouldn’t let me see my boy.

Leo: Alex, please,

Alexei: You tell me. What should I tell my wife?

Leo: You tell her whatever it takes to protect every single body in that room. Everybody in there whom you love, you tell them whatever it takes, you understand… and you let him go. Alexie there can be no murder in paradise.

As the story unfolds, Leo discovers that there are more victims all with missing organs cut out with surgical precision, many tortured, all drowned with no bodies of water around them. As Leo’s determination to discover the truth (a word that rings like an echoing gong in the hall of lies in which the Soviet people live), Leo is called upon to investigate his own wife for treason and denounce her. He refuses and is demoted and shipped off to a far impoverished corner of Russia as punishment… right into the den of the killer, who works without fear in a country that refuses to acknowledge the obvious because of its ramifications for the truth about Marxism and the humanist Utopia they are building.

Leo: (Begging his new commanding officer to do better after offering up two patsies to death for the crimes of this serial killer) This boy in Moscow is the son of a very good friend of mine… My brother… I was sent to his house to read official report. I had to tell his family that his son died of tragic accident… and I lied. So I’m thinking; how many more children have to die? Get swept under the carpet, covered up by party dogs like you and I? And their blood is on our hands and this animal, he will not stop killing.

As Leo’s commanding officer refuses to listen, Raisa, Leo’s wife, turns to the officer’s wife. She asks if her children walk to school alone. The wife says that they used to, but since discovering that a murderer was afoot, they get walked to school. Raisa asks if, now that the “killer” has been dealt with (the latest patsy) whether she will allow her kids to return to walking alone to school. The wife is beside herself with contradiction. The command to live by lies a standard part of all Utopian daydreams puts this mother between a rock and another rock. Will she live the lie by allowing her children to return to their old pattern, or expose the very lie she is telling by continuing to act in correspondence with the truth that there is still a maniac on the loose?

This reminds me of the seaside investments of many Leftists who sell the idea that climate change is ready to send our coasts underwater, but also spend multiplied millions on seaside estates… who decry the racist attempts of those on the southern border to put up walls, while acting swiftly to remove those very people from the streets outside their seaside estates when they show up there. Don’t just listen to their words, which are meant to deceive, watch what they do, learn what their real goals are.

At one point, Raisa declares to Leo who is tired of lies and wants truth, “Do you know what people get around here when they demand the truth? They get terror.”

Spoiler Alert: The movie ends with two great final lies.

First, having caught the killer, Leo finds himself in a fight to the death with one of the villainous officials trying to conceal the murders. The man’s soldiers are hunting for Leo. The officer executes the killer and proceeds and attacks Leo. Leo kills him. As the officers men come upon them in the mud, Leo begins to point at body of the killer and yells, “Officer, This man is a criminal… your superior officer died whilst trying to apprehend him.” Then, pointing at the wicked officer who came there with the sole purpose of killing Leo, he yells, “This man! This man is a hero! This officer is a hero!”

Second, even though the killer was the product of the abuse and starvation of the Soviet orphanages, bulging with the refugees of the Soviet starvation of parents by the millions, he is officially recorded as a Nazi agent sent among the Soviet people to cast dispersions on value their paradise. The only way that Leo, finally exonerated and restored to his post, can continue to hunt down murderers in this “paradise” is by agreeing to this lie, and the lie that while there is no murder in paradise, some Nazi conspirators continue among them and must be dealt with.

Unlike much of what comes out of Hollywood, this is not the stuff of movie magic and manipulative screen plays where the outcomes are whatever the writers want them to be. Child 44 explores what it means to live by lies, and that living by lies is the very essence of the Marxist agenda. Raisa says at one point, “This whole thing was just a test of blind obedience!” Indeed, blind adherence to the ideas, and social diagnosis, and social solutions that are given to you in these ideas is demanded.

Cancel culture is the present tool in America for gaining this allegiance; it will, as is happing in Australia and England, step up to arrests… and then what? Executions? Don’t ever think that it cannot happen here? It can happen anywhere because it has happened everywhere. It is in man’s broken nature to follow such paths to their natural end. You will call a man a woman, a woman a man. You will ignore obvious causes and blame their patsies, whatever those patsies are at any given moment: The patriarchy, white culture, Christianity, the Cis binary, MAGA republicans… any republicans… the founding fathers, slavery, capitalism… etc, etc, etc.

To live by lies… i.e. to live in contradiction to reality is more than merely tripping in the dark and wondering what felled you. It is to shut one’s eyes when the lights have been thrown on and trip over what could have been easily avoided. To live by lies shreds the soul; it breaks something important deep inside a person and the ramifications are disastrous. Voltaire rightly observed, but wrongly applied, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”[1]

On September 13th, 2014, an MMA fighter using the moniker “Fallon Fox” whose every cell screams XY, born a dude named Boyd Burton, trained in Brazillian Jiu Kitsu, wrestling, and Muay Thai,[2] entered the ring with Tamikka Brents. He broke seven orbital bones in her skull. This is not the first time that he has literally broken the skull of his female opponent. He destroyed Erika Newsome on March 2nd, 2013 giving her a fractured skull and ending her professional career. She was not told before the fight what Fallon Fox was.

After her defeat at the hands of Fallon Fox, our Mr. Burton, Brents was asked about the match. She said:

“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right. Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch,”

Here is an example in which the Left tells you to live by lies… to lie against your own soul by lying against common sense, by living in intentional conflict with what one knows in their knower to be true. Brents is too scared to say what she knows to be true… she fought a highly trained male warrior and suffered the natural outcomes of that radical mismatch. Give me six months to train heavily and I’m not sure Brents would even beat me in a fight… if I had as little shame as Boyd Burton and gave it my all. (Stop laughing at me… I’m making a point here.) Even so, we find people like former SNP Glasgow Councilor, Mhairi Hunter, echoing Brents’ idiotic sentiments, saying things like, “No one disagrees that men outperform women in sport. The question is whether trans women outperform non trans women in sport. I don’t know if that is the case and without that information I am not sure how any of us can take a position.”[3]

We may ask the question that Leo asks. How many children have to die, how many children’s lives have to turned into misery to sustain the ideological lies that we as a society are determined to promote?

We may tell ourselves that we are merely being “kind” to confused people… that was the standard line used a decade ago by the Left in order to get their lie off the ground, but we must ask ourselves at whose expense is our kindness being sustained? Kindness to the criminal is cruelty to the community. Just so, “kindness” in the form of “affirming” the identity of confused and damaged people comes at great cost for others… for present consideration we might mention the 90+ percent of confused children who would, but for our “affirming”.be cured by puberty. When one considers the near 50% suicide attempt rate of the trans community, and the estimations that there is one death for every 25 attempts, this “kindness” has a body count… a serious body count.

Now, however, we’ve left the pretense of confusion behind and declared that anyone who doubts the legitimacy of the feelings of trans people (that some men really are women, and some women really are men) have low grade mental illness… a phobia. So, in keeping with their larger social vision, “trans” people are more than just confused people, they are weapons in the hands of power players who wish to gain more power. They are a cause… a clarion call to action for those who must defend them against an unjust world that doubts their feelings, rejects their self-creative claims, and refuses to live in their self-declared realities with them. “You WILL,” says the power players and useful idiots of Critical Theory, “Live by lies, or we will cancel you. We will destroy you. We will take your children from you. We will take away your job. We will make it impossible for you to function in this brave new world we are making.” My dear precious ones, live not by lies

[1] (3/23/2023)

[2] (3/23/2023)

[3] (3/23/2023)

Andrew Sargent

Andrew Sargent

I am a Biblical Theologian with a PhD in Theology (OT Concentration) ('10) and am the founder of Biblical Literacy Ministries ('98). I am Dean at International Ministry Training College in South Attleboro Massachusetts. I have been married for 29 years and have 4 children... all grown and off to adulthood. A true New Englander, I live just south of Boston Massachusetts.