Matthew’s Contest of Kings: The Bout Version

This Christmas, I refuse to stoke my own superior minded ego by telling you all the things we Christians get wrong about the visit of the Magi… how they don’t actually show up on the night of Jesus’ birth… how they most likely weren’t kings… how we have no idea how many of them there were… or their names… No! I won’t do it.

Instead, this Christmas, I want to stoke my superior minded ego by telling you all the wonderful things Matthew actually wove into his Magi story that we, living two millennia later, commonly miss. Matthew’s story of the Magi is a contest of kings where Magi… influential priest philosophers of Persia, important figures for the installment of Kings, common courtiers in the Ancient Near East, are portrayed by Matthew as unintentional referees in that contest.

Imagine if you will that Matthew is commentating the fight for supremacy between the Baby Jesus and King Herod. It might go something like this:

We’ve got quite a bout for you tonight folks… a real David and Goliath struggle for power.

In one corner, we have the baby Jesus hanging out with his mamma in the little town of Bethlehem. But don’t let that fool you. His ancestor David hailed from there and the great prophecies of old have us all waiting expectantly for David’s son and true heir. Talk has it that Jesus is the virgin born son, and promised Immanuel, the incarnate god-king come to take up David’s long abandoned throne forever. Could he be the One? We’ll find out tonight folks. In his corner with him, we have Joseph the prophet dreamer… a righteous son of David in his own right

In the other corner, we have Herod the Great, the mighty builder of cities, harbors, palaces, fortresses, and yes, folks, even our very own beloved Temple in Jerusalem. He is a dangerous enemy, a powerful warrior, a world class political maneuverer… but He is no David… No Solomon… No Moses and no Joshua… sorry folks, Herod stands tall as the pseudo-Jewish Hellenizing usurper… a tyrant ruler if ever there was one. In his corner with him we not only have the entire body of leading citizens, Priests, and Scribes, but the full backing of the Roman Empire…. (The people boo and hiss at the mention of Rome.)

And now, stepping into the ring between these two contesting kings is the Magi, who from orient are! When power and authority is bequeathed, these are the priests who seal the deal, gifted astrologers come to find the one born Kings of the Jews, for they saw his star rising and have come to worship him. If you are a student of the Scriptures and of the world, their arrival to referee this bout should come as no surprise.

Remember our traditions about the birth of Moses? Well their ilk was there in that day too. They saw in the stars the rising of a deliverer for Israel. Pharaoh used that knowledge to plot his death and wipe out the strength of Joseph’s people lest his own power face challenge. When Moses rose, they sided with Pharaoh, but being outmatched they offered praise to Yahweh, saying, in Exodus 8:19, “This is the finger of God.” Indeed, folks, in Exodus 9:11, they are unable to even stand in Moses’ presence.

And should we be shocked that it is gentiles who have seen this star and responded? We should not be. For was it not the gentile Balaam who first spoke of this star? Did he not say in Numbers 24:17, “I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel.” Powerful words… and if memory serves me well, Balaam follows up saying, “Edom shall be dispossessed.” I doubt Herod the Edomite is going to like that one bit.

The Magi have turned to Herod. They’ve made their way to the center of power… was it a son of Herod born under this star? We think not, folks. Herod is upset by this news. His whole corner is buzzing over his disquiet. Déjà vu! Reminds me of the days of David in 2 Samuel 4:1. Saul’s son, clinging to his doomed throne loses all his courage when his general dies and Scripture says, “all Israel was dismayed.” Well, here we go again, Folks.

The Magi are looking for another… one born to the role of ruler of Israel. But what’s this? Herod is putting on a brave face. The man who killed his own son’s when threatened by their power, is going to help the Magi! The Scribes bring forth the news from sacred prophesies. They’ve gone for Micah 2:6 interpreting him thus,  “And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.”

Oh, what dig at Herod. Surely they must know their slight. Herod is no shepherd king. No, not at all. In the whole rich tradition of Shepherd leaders like Moses and David, the promises are clear… Ezekiel 34 spells it out. God is a Good Shepherd and He and His Messiah will wage war against the false shepherds of Israel and hold them accountable for their abuse and neglect of the flock of God. This does not bode well for Herod and he knows it.

Herod looks like he’s feigning nice with the Magi, what a ploy. He’s got his arm around their shoulders. He says he’s excited by the news. He says he wants to worship this new born king as well, and all they have to do is tell him exactly where to find the wee little lad when they locate him. Don’t believe it Magi! It’s a trick!

And now the Magi are off, following that star straight across the ring where baby Jesus is waiting. And what is this?! I can hardly believe my eyes! The great promises of Scripture are dancing like fireflies… they are filling the air. The Magi who have passed by Jerusalem for Bethlehem, and passed up Herod for Jesus, have also passed up Herod’s empty shell of a temple to worship at the feet of this babe. They have presented him with temple offerings—Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh… made famous in Jewish Scriptures like 1 Kings 10 and 1 & 2 Chronicles 9… and Ancient tales like Seleucus’ visit to the Apollo temple at Didyma.

This is just like Scripture said it would be. Solomon said it in Psalm 72:9-15, “May desert tribes bow down before him… May the kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands render him tribute; may the kings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts! May all kings fall down before him…Long may he live; may gold of Sheba be given to him!

Isaiah said it in chapter 60:1-3, ““Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. … And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Verse 6 works the same imagery as Solomon’s song, saying, “A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall bring good news, the praises of the LORD.”

It’s all come together, Folks! Herod doesn’t stand a chance. The larger Micah passage quoted by the Scribes have said it all. God will lift up His temple and the gentiles will flow to it to worship and to learn the ways of the Lord. Divine rule is coming to Jerusalem, a shepherd King like one from of old, and the false kings, those wicked shepherds will be overthrown. They are going down for the count, Folks! And I’m just glad that I could be here today to tell you all about it.

Andrew Sargent

Andrew Sargent

I am a Biblical Theologian with a PhD in Theology (OT Concentration) ('10) and am the founder of Biblical Literacy Ministries ('98). I am Dean at International Ministry Training College in South Attleboro Massachusetts. I have been married for 29 years and have 4 children... all grown and off to adulthood. A true New Englander, I live just south of Boston Massachusetts.